Kenny's Camera Clinic- November 2022
3209 LaCienega Ave
In these 10-15 minute sessions, Kenny will clean, assess, and run basic diagnostics on 35mm SLR cameras only. See below if you are unsure if your camera falls in this category. Please note that these assessments do not include repairs, only recommendations. Assessments include foam seal replacements and we will also offer fresh batteries for cameras as well.
Reserve your spot by signing up, please note that space is limited!
A note on the sliding scale:
The sign up fee for this event covers your camera cleaning, assessment, and a roll of film of your choice. We never want money to be a barrier to entry at Black Image Center, so please send us an email at info@blackimagecenter.org if you would like to attend but the cost is prohibitive.
Don’t have a camera you need cleaned? No worries! Our doors will be open for those who want to come by, hang out in the Book Nook, or grab a roll of film from our Film Fridge- no sign up necessary.
We are only able to do cleanings on 35mm SLR cameras. What is a 35mm SLR? An SLR camera is one that allow for interchangeable lenses on the same camera body (the “SLR” stands for single-lens reflex camera). We are only doing clean and checks on SLR cameras that take 35mm film, so this means that we unfortunately cannot accommodate 120 or other medium format cameras, along with any digital cameras.
Types of cameras we can see:
35mm SLR cameras (Canon AE-1, Pentax ME, K1000, Minolta X-700, etc.)
Types of cameras we cannot see:
Any digital camera
Any type of video cameras
120 cameras ( ex. Pentax 6×7 (6×7), Fuji 617 (6×17), and Mamiya 645s (6×4.5) or RZ67, etc.)
Point and shoot cameras (this means if your camera does not have a detachable lens, we cannot see your camera)
Please reach out to us if you have any questions, or cannot figure out what type of camera you have through Google.
Thank you so much